
What can I do?Support of Japan earthquake victim・・・・私に出来ること・・



これから当分の間、Milky Way マーメイドダンスショーによる収入はHELP311に寄付します


What can I do?Support of Japan earthquake victim・・・・

For the time being in the future

The income of the Milky Way mermaid dance show is contributed to HELP311.

Schedule of show・・・・・It is not deciding now.
The schedule is opened to the public in this blog.

Liaison conference of the earthquake damage relief activity

by Tao Umino

March, 11, 2011
Terrible earth quake and tsunami hit Touhoku and Kantou in north-east Japan
What can I do?Support of Japan earthquake victim・・・・
We start up this relief activity for people who suffered tragic disaster
in Second Life
We aim to gather the power and merciful mind of people in this world
This quake and tsunami destroyed and taken away many things,
such as their job, house, friends and their family
and burden will be left on people for long time

human have to alive, and need to leave pleasure with life for the descendant.
The hardship is large, and one human's power is very small.
many people think, or say

"I want to do something for people in that disaster"

"Is there anything i can do? "

"but things i can do is too little.."

We want to understand such mind of people.
We want to help such thinking
to listen, understands these gentle feelings,
to realize their idea

We start up this groupe

Someone's happiness is my happiness
We want to wipe a lot of tears off
and we hope that people in this tragic disaster now can start to new life

These are our desire


Our activity

1. fund raising for people who suffered tragic disaster
We will send L$ gathered by these activity to Japanese Red Cross

2.cooperates with other activities, and give help and advice for them

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